
James Calkins: Upholding Conservative Values for a Stronger Santa Rosa County


Much like President Donald Trump, James Calkins has consistently demonstrated his commitment to conservative values and his willingness to take a stand against the establishment. In a recent example of his steadfastness, Calkins was the sole “No” vote against appointing a Democrat to a key committee, proving that he is not afraid to go against the grain and stand up for his principles. This act showcased his loyalty to his conservative roots and his dedication to representing the values of his constituents. James Calkins’ actions speak louder than words, solidifying his reputation as a true conservative who is willing to fight for what he believes in.


Conservative Republican James Calkins  is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. His pro-gun stance, alongside the efforts of other patriots in the community, has solidified our county as a pro-gun sanctuary. Rooted in a deep respect for individual freedom and the Constitution, Calkins recognizes the importance of the right to bear arms in safeguarding liberty and personal security. He believes in the power of an armed populace to deter crime and protect their families and property. Calkins is committed to upholding this fundamental right and fighting against any measures that aim to restrict law-abiding citizens’ access to firearms. He stands with the people of Santa Rosa County in preserving their heritage and the American tradition of responsible gun ownership.


James Calkins is a fervent pro-life advocate, steadfastly believing in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. His commitment, combined with the dedication of other local patriots, has transformed our county into a sanctuary for the unborn. Calkins is dedicated to championing pro-life policies that protect the most vulnerable in our society and supporting organizations and initiatives that provide alternatives to abortion, such as adoption and maternal support programs. By standing firm in his pro-life stance, Calkins aims to foster a culture of life in Santa Rosa County, where every human life is valued, protected, and given the opportunity to thrive.


James Calkins, as a Conservative Republican, holds a strong fiscal conservative stance, always prioritizing responsible and efficient financial management. His relentless efforts to cut wasteful spending have significantly contributed to placing Santa Rosa County on a more stable and sustainable fiscal path. Calkins thoroughly reviews budgets and expenses, ensuring that taxpayer dollars are utilized effectively and invested in projects and services that genuinely benefit the community. His dedication to financial responsibility has not only saved the county substantial amounts of money but also fostered a culture of accountability and transparency within the local government. With Calkins’ vigilant oversight, Santa Rosa County is now in a much better position, ready to face future challenges without the burden of unnecessary and frivolous expenditures.


James Calkins stands as a true conservative champion of low taxes, understanding the importance of letting individuals and families keep more of their hard-earned money. His unwavering commitment to fiscal responsibility and reducing the tax burden on the citizens of Santa Rosa County is a testament to his dedication to conservative principles. Calkins firmly believes that low taxes stimulate economic growth, attract businesses, and create jobs, ultimately benefiting the entire community. By prioritizing essential services and cutting wasteful government spending, he works tirelessly to ensure that taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and effectively. James Calkins is not just talking the talk; he is walking the walk when it comes to protecting the wallets of Santa Rosa County residents and upholding the values of low taxes and fiscal conservatism.


James Calkins is a staunch supporter of our military and veterans, recognizing the immense sacrifices they have made to protect our freedom and uphold the values that our great nation was built upon. He is fully committed to ensuring that our service members and veterans receive the respect, support, and resources they deserve. Calkins advocates for policies that prioritize the needs of our military community, from improving healthcare and mental health services to providing job training and educational opportunities for veterans transitioning into civilian life. He also supports initiatives that honor and recognize the contributions of our military personnel and veterans, fostering a community that is grateful and supportive of those who have served. James Calkins is proud to stand with our military and veterans, working diligently to ensure they have a strong ally in their corner.


James Calkins has proven himself to be a steadfast advocate for the senior community in Santa Rosa County. As a conservative commissioner, Calkins understands the importance of fiscal responsibility and has consistently fought to lower property taxes, ensuring that seniors on fixed incomes are not burdened by excessive tax rates. His commitment to safeguarding the financial security of elderly residents demonstrates his dedication to serving and protecting one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. By prioritizing the needs of seniors, James Calkins has solidified his reputation as a true friend and ally to the elderly residents of Santa Rosa County.